Lets start with the bad news which is the Toronto Raptors. When Toronto captured Rudy Gay things looked very good the first 10 games. They were playing well and as a team and at a point won 6 out of 7 games. Then things started to change for the Raptors when Rudy Gay started to come back to his normal stats. Things started to change.I can say the Raptors just are not playing good and are quite unlikely to make the playoffs.
The Toronto maple leafs are not doing great but they still are in a playoff seed. They lost 5 of their last 6 but two of those loses were in overtime so they get 1 point for each overtime loss. I don't know who their next game is with but after that they face Boston twice. A team which the Leafs have not had luck with. I do think the Leafs will make the playoffs.
One good thing about these teams is they are both young so they are not likely to get worse so over the years. The Raptors were not a great team and they might do better next year when they play together longer but for now its not good. The Leafs have been a good team and are in a playoff seed but got in a slide of late but won their last game 4-2. Well see what happens. 
I really didn't like this week. Today does not seem to be going a good one. School sometimes can be very boring and I can't wait for march break. This summer won't be great since I have to go to my country since its been 3 years now. So I hope march break is going to be good. I really don't like the snow and I wish I lived some place warm. I wish I didn't have to go back but I am not allowed home for a month or so.
I think this will be my last time going because we go usually every two years, by then I will be almost 18 years old and don't see them being able to make me go. I know it is their home but I grew up in Canada and this is my home. They wanna go for one or two months thats fine but I can stay with my older brother is 20 years old.
Also it cost a lot of money to buy those plane tickets. I also don't want to see my family in my country. I don't know them very well and I don't like most of them very much. I know my country very little and the people there. Its a poor country and has only been a country since 2008 which is very new.
The two things that suprised me the most were a teacher able to hit a kid within the law and a police officer can arrest you for ditching school. Most teachers won't hit students because they will likely get fired but it can be within the law. The other laws didn't really suprise me.
The only bad thing about Fridays is that there is school. But when I get home from school,lay on the bed and watch television its all better. I don't have a lot to do this weekend but a break is always nice. What are feelings when you get home on a Friday. Do you feel happy, tired, lazy, or even sad. I feel happy and tired especially on a long and stressful week of school. I don't know what it is about Fridays, its like your stress drops and happiness rise the second that bell rings.
How do you feel about Sundays and why. I have this feeling on Sunday that can make you feel in a lazy and bad mood. This feeling increases at night when The Walking dead ends.      
If a scary regime came to power I don't think they would let us choose which rights we keep. If I had to choose a right the first one I would pick is to leave the country. If most rights are taken, I would like to leave the country, run off and find a new life. I don't think staying in a country llike that is safe but if I come back if things changed I would.
I also don't like the idea that one person rules an entire country because they could be very strict, mean or just a bad leader for the country. It is also very bad if you can't have a election to vote them out. I know I wouldn't be the leader of a country if I wasn't wanted even with all that power. It's easy to say now but I do think give up the power.
What are some laws in Canada that are not fair or don't make sence. I don't get why someone who does crack can get years in prison. It is their choice to put what they want in their body. I am not saying it should be ignored but getting years in prison can ruin their future and mess them up in the head. I think the war on drugs is a failure.
I think the speech was alright. I don't really care much about the people in the future. If they are smart they will make a law on having kids. Try to bring the population down to 2000000000 people. I don't know how that how would work but China has law on having one kid. It seems that if we have less people then we have more resources and less people means less problems. Why would a parent need more than one kid anyways.
What will happen if the population just keeps getting higher to the point there will barley any resources for all of us. Canada luckily does not have a lot of people but each Canadian sure uses a lot of energy. We have a lot of room in Canada, not a lot of people but it gets cold during winter so the houses have to be heated which most take a good amount of energy. Why did Canada have to be cold makes me want to leave when I get older.
The speech was alright but I just feel that most things he said the average person knows or at least knows the topic. I don't know a lot of people think there are plenty of resources to spare. Is it realistic to think that there will be a big change and resources can be used at a good level. I just think the problem is that there are too many people on the earth.   
March break starts next week and I think its a nine day break with weekends. That puts me a better mood having something to look forward to. I wish the week was just or at least the day. School is very boring and it takes a lot of time in the day. The only reason a job would better is because I would get paid. What I would like to do in march break is going to be harder because of the snow. I really don't like snow, its to cold.
A break is a nice time to relax and sleep more. My parents say when I grow up and get a job, I will want to go back to school, I doubt it.
Today it is friday and the last day until march break. It has been a long week of school but we are almost there. I think when I come from school I may take a nap. I wish I didn't have to walk home today but no big deal. Overall I just want to go home and relax. I really don't know why school is boring and at sometimes makes me wanna bang my head on the wall when I am behind on work. My classes last semester were a lot worse now this one because I have two classes which are pretty easy to get high marks in.
I hope when I get back from the break I am rested and ready to work. It's hard to come back to school from a break feeling positive. Man already this day feels like its going really slow. I hope the rest of the day goes much faster or at least get this period over with. You might have been able to tell that I don't liking going to school but you got to get a diploma to get a  decent job or a job. I wanna get out of here alreary so I can get a job. It's not like a job is better but at least you get paid.