I read a book called Bar Code Tattoo and we did chats when we finished four parts of the book. Our teacher asked some questions related the book. One question was what could robots never do as well as humans? What are negative and positive aspects of the Bar Code Tattoo and would you get it? A question was can you be whatever you want to be?
There are some jobs I believe humans now can do better than robots. One of those jobs is painting because there is a lot of detail and this goes for different kinds of art as well but as robots get smarter maybe they can best us at everything we do. Maybe robots could take care of us and do all the things that make not so great. I think it’s worth the risk considering they might take over.
I think there are quite a few positive and negative aspects of getting the bar code but what would you do?
A positive thing about thing about the bar code is it simplifies your life so you don't have to carry a wallet or get a new card if you lost it. The bar code is very convenient and you can't lose because it’s a tattoo. The bad part is that the government know everything about you, it violates your privacy, it seems that there is a mystery with the barcode and people reporting the barcode is ruining your life. I think I would not get it until they made it a law to have a barcode because I don't think it would be worth fighting anymore.
There was also a question asking if you could be whatever you wanted to be in the world we live in today. I don't think you can become whatever you want to be even if you try you’re hardest especially if you want to become a singer, actor, athlete, etc. It can also be hard to become a doctor because you can't afford medical school. Today it’s hard to find a job and is even harder to find the perfect job for you.

I want to blog about how I feel about school. I like high school a lot better than middle school because you get to pick some of your classes and you only have four. I don't hate school but it feels like the stuff I learn will not be used or will be forgotten when I leave high school. School would be better if there is no homework because I procrastinate.
The one thing about me and not the school that makes it harder is procrastination. I just hate doing homework in the night because I didn't do it earlier and quite a few times I don't get it done. Also when I have a week to get a big project done and I leave it the day before its due date. That also can lead to late marks if I can't get it done the day before.
I try not to miss school to much because that is a great to fall beyond and lower your mark. I usually don't do great the first part of the semester and then pick it about later which is another bad habit I plan to break. I still have not failed any classes which is good news to me. The idea that I spend all that time in class for nothing has to be a horrible feeling. Any tips to break these habits?  
Do you ever think ever think about what you want to be or if you want a family. Do you want to enjoy your job or make a lot of money. Do you want any kids or just a spouse. Where do you want to live when you grow up or do you want to live in Kitchener the rest of life. Are you going to college, university, or go straight to work after you graduate high school.
I don't know if I want a family because kids are pretty expensive to have I don't think I even want to have a kid, and if I buy a house it only has to be one room. Money for me is nice to have but if I could get a job that I enjoy than that would make life a lot better. As I said earlier I don't really want kids. I don't think I wanna live in Kitchener the rest of my life. I would like to live somewhere warm and low cost of living.
I don't think there is much chance I want or can go to university but I think I will go to college if I have the opportunity but if I can't get in a college then I will have to go straight to work. If I don't go to college then I like the idea of becoming a bank teller because it seems like a job I would be good at. Well I can't predict the future but that's how it might happen.