I want to blog about how I feel about school. I like high school a lot better than middle school because you get to pick some of your classes and you only have four. I don't hate school but it feels like the stuff I learn will not be used or will be forgotten when I leave high school. School would be better if there is no homework because I procrastinate.
The one thing about me and not the school that makes it harder is procrastination. I just hate doing homework in the night because I didn't do it earlier and quite a few times I don't get it done. Also when I have a week to get a big project done and I leave it the day before its due date. That also can lead to late marks if I can't get it done the day before.
I try not to miss school to much because that is a great to fall beyond and lower your mark. I usually don't do great the first part of the semester and then pick it about later which is another bad habit I plan to break. I still have not failed any classes which is good news to me. The idea that I spend all that time in class for nothing has to be a horrible feeling. Any tips to break these habits?  

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